Saturday, 21 July 2012

more free publicity from the unwashed pedophile supporters

another successful day leafleting as lead us to gain what only can be described as the best publicity we can get as you will see in a short while now let me tell you something about the uaf they support pedophilia they are a weapon of the curupt labour party well fund by milaband and the curupt unions plus they are funded by Cameron of the conservatives all these cretins stand for is anti britishness   they want this country turned into a third world ghetto  now lets look at the lies on this leaflet 

  • Simon beech is not a member of stoke bnp he told the court he was a member of bnp/edl if he told them he was a alien would they believe that where the proof i want see proof i could say im a uaf member  trust me im not i would never join a pedophile supporting organisation like these vile cretins 
  • independent  organisations like boy scouts are banned not true we actually would promote these activertys just like im doing at the present moment with smallthorne community center which there is a campaign coming shortly 
  • democratic rights are destroyed WHAT  we are trying keep our freedom of speech not lose it try looking at what labour and conservatives are doing along with there EU buddies 
  • griffin said the holocaust did not happen hang on the British government knew it was happening and sat back and did nothing labour -conservatives look up on you tube the forgotten evidence of   Auschwitz
  • yet another lie we blame Muslims for the problems NO WE DON'T we blame labour conservatives  
  • on finishing  anyone who supports or even believes these vile  lies well all i can say is its on them when they are living in a Muslim sharia held country they will then no who was telling the truth 
long live nationalism keep the faith