Below is a article which shows just how much this con/lib/lab goverment as gone to destroy this once great nation.
Now lets take a look at what labour have made this nation in the 13 yrs that they have had power we have being over populated by the millions of immigrants they have brought in EU nationals they have flocked into the country. Now they have created a nation of benefit dependant claimants due to the fact that they have filled the jobs over here with foreign nationals which will work for next to nothing now these jobs should go to British people first then any jobs left over should be given to these immigrants then any foreign nation left over sent back to there native country not expect to live on tax payers money some of these people have never paid into this system but live quite happily get money free on taxpayer expenses along with fully furnished houses mobile phones cars free NHS schooling collaging now the article im going put up shows just how these foreigners take our people for granted now suing the border agency for discrimination because they are living on a £181 per week and demanding a £100,000 holiday is taking the Mick who do these people think they are now a average British person takes on jsa £64 per week for a couple its £100 per week if you have kids now can this con/lib/lab regime explain to me why are these foreigners are receiving more than a British born person and our so called prime minister cutting down benefits unemployment -disability -income support-incapacity these are the benefits hes hitting