Saturday, 4 June 2011 - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Plot to 'rig' your EU vote - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Plot to 'rig' your EU vote

Bentilee Patriot: Make your elderely and vunerable neighbours aware

Bentilee Patriot: Make your elderely and vunerable neighbours aware: "Be aware of bogus callers Staffordshire Police is warning people to be on their guard against suspicious callers at the door following rep..."

leafleting day in smallthorne

good afternoon the sun is shining and we have just come back from a session of leafleting our paper around the Smallthorne area to which we are showing that Stoke bnp as not gone and we are still here to voice any issues in this area and through out the other areas in stoke on Trent what ive notice is a lot of broken or rotting fencing in this area which simply is not being addressed by the local councillors and this is leading to people have property being stolen from the gardens recently there have being several things being taken from my local neibours garden and she is a pensioner not on much money but this kind of issue should not be happening and it needs addressing