Saturday, 14 April 2012

when are these racist going get arrested and charged

when are the police and government going arrest these for religious harassment aggravated harassment alarm or distress caused by words for all the years that these have being doing there racial hatred in this country or is this a Islamic country now i would like nick lowles or any other person to explain why it is one rule for one and another for us so if there's is anyone that can explain this im all hears because on these bill board i find it offensive that these people can walk around with and get nothing done about them but one word form us and we get arrested and taken to court 

the people that should be facing arrest are anjem choudary and is hench men 
David Cameron Ed milaband nick clegg for allowing this to happen 

nick lowles 
Weymouth Bennett 
 for protecting these Muslim extremists 

all these should face charges of treason  and traitorism