“Muslims: Bin Your Poppy!” Says Mr Hate Himself, Anjem Choudary #casualsunited #edl #evf #cxf #bfp
“Bin Your Poppies!” Radical Islamist Preacher Anjem Choudary Sparks Twitter Outrage
Anjem Choudary
Radical preacher Anjem Choudary has called on all Muslims in Britain to destroy their Remembrance Day poppies.
The Islamist, who was born and educated in the UK, sent a stream of messages to his 2,500 Twitter followers, with the tagline BIN YOUR POPPY.
Choudary, a prominent figure in banned groups such as Islam4UK and Muslims Against Crusades, has repeatedly courted controversy with his militant Islamic stance. He has previously stated that Islam plans to dominate Britain and America, that Shariah law zones should be established across the UK, and that Norwegian nationals should be taken hostage in retribution for the massacre perpetrated by anti-Islam campaigner Anders Breivik.