Wednesday, 30 November 2011

how dare they

Ive just picked up on a article and to tell you the truth it disgusted me how our so called government can pick on the vulnerable it amazes me when this con/lab government have allowed millions of foreigners into the country some have never done a single days work in there life  ( anjem choudary is one that I can mention) this conservative /labour government has come out with the disabled are scroungers how dare they lets look at what mps are paid what do they do for this money do actually do anything ( NO) so who are the real scroungers here Cameron -milaband

Govt labelling disabled 'scroungers'

Govt labelling disabled 'scroungers'
The Government is reponsible for stories "knocking disabled people", Labour's Shadow Welfare Minister has claimed.

Writing for PoliticsHome, Anne McGuire said: "The feeding to the media of press releases and distortion of figures, and the calling into question whether people really are disabled is causing real harm."

She also accused ministers and their advisers of "creating an atmosphere that is causing fear and uncertainty in the lives of disabled people up and down the country".

Thursday, 17 November 2011

yet another article from our labour held stoke on Trent

how can the labour held council of stoke on Trent even try this trick do they not realise that them and the conservatives are destroying our once great country with there self destructing polices or are they just blatantly thick now i found this quite interesting because as we all no labour have just released a mandate that is doomed to fail ( helping the unemployed back to work scheme i.e jet )Mr perves a word of wiseness there are not any jobs how many more people are you going  to destroy before you learn our country is in a mess but its OK for you perves you live a nice computable life with your property's and your salary which us tax payer pay you and your ethnic labour party are destroying this city and you no it don't you i hope one day the sheeple wake up and out vote you lot i really do you are sinking to a new low now sending bailiffs on our vulnerable people you and your party are really low really low

Clue less Cameron

Just something that as attracted my attention a article in today's mirror and my god did i find it funny how the hell can labour or even one of there reporters talk now lets look into what labour have done for this country
1 163 billion debt along with there banker friends
2 2 illegal wars 
3 open doors for floods of immigrants and terrorist to enter our country
4 created a population of benefit dependants ( alcoholics and druggies)
now this party used to represent our people see how i used used to because this party does not represent our people any-more its in politics for it self and yet people still keep voting for this which still now i cant understand do these people like being walked all over or is it pure hypocrisy heres the article for your viewing

Saturday, 12 November 2011

druggies at work in smallthorne

in regards to my leaflet I have being contacted by a local resident over a drug issue about one of the local druggies leaving is/her used needle down  a alleyway in smallthorne between kirk street and Livingstone street i find this disgusting how a person can be so neglect in leaving this exposed to local children and adults does this person not realised if a kid was to pick this up this could do serious harm to them and what's the local labour council doing about this issue the same as normal ( NOTHING) he was elected in to represent and to deal with these issues and as far is doing nothing its about time we had proper representation not someone who will sit back on issues like this but saying that that's what the labour party's all about now 

Sunday, 6 November 2011

to all hate no hopers and the labour funded unwashed

this is a article that really chuffed me me because i thought bnp members and activist were surposed to be the nasty ones but when the tables turn and the light does finally show at the end of the tunnel its actually the labour party that show there true colours

1 labour 25 - paedophiles
2 are wife beaters
3 war mongers

now heres the article  this is what you vote for every election