Below is a article which shows just how much this con/lib/lab goverment as gone to destroy this once great nation.
Now lets take a look at what labour have made this nation in the 13 yrs that they have had power we have being over populated by the millions of immigrants they have brought in EU nationals they have flocked into the country. Now they have created a nation of benefit dependant claimants due to the fact that they have filled the jobs over here with foreign nationals which will work for next to nothing now these jobs should go to British people first then any jobs left over should be given to these immigrants then any foreign nation left over sent back to there native country not expect to live on tax payers money some of these people have never paid into this system but live quite happily get money free on taxpayer expenses along with fully furnished houses mobile phones cars free NHS schooling collaging now the article im going put up shows just how these foreigners take our people for granted now suing the border agency for discrimination because they are living on a £181 per week and demanding a £100,000 holiday is taking the Mick who do these people think they are now a average British person takes on jsa £64 per week for a couple its £100 per week if you have kids now can this con/lib/lab regime explain to me why are these foreigners are receiving more than a British born person and our so called prime minister cutting down benefits unemployment -disability -income support-incapacity these are the benefits hes hitting

Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Yet more jobs under threat
yet more jobs put under threat as a company in Burton send jobs to Poland with at least 200 jobs going from the production side of the company when will we get a goverment who will step in and say that's it this coalition goverment as the one before as yet again let the people down in this country lib/con/lab are all the same party they do not stand for our values and our traditions or peoples lively hoods all they are bothered about is lining there own pockets and keeping the EU masters happy now ive put the article up for your attention but on the article they say that production will be moved they are saying they don't no where as yet but its Poland
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
The Union Strikers Voted for Their Own Ruin
this is what time and time again what the british public vote for they believe the lies of the labour party and there little puppet unions how much longer can the public have there eyes shut
Friday, 15 July 2011
Truth about where our meat comes from
just a quick text now after reading this i was quite astonished now shouldn't we be supporting our own farmers but like normal like everything else we are getting our meat from abroad now when will this EU dictorship stop we have no jobs with yet more people being made unemployed and now we face our farms going under now Poland where we are getting our pork from is keeping these poor animals in disgusting conditions not even up to British standards and yet our supermarkets are selling this meat to local areas the pens these animals are living in are the size of 10 yards be 5 yards pens and you will find at least 40 pigs living in them at any one time these pens are in a disgusting condition they don't even have straw to rest in just a metal based floor now we are even bringing our eggs in from Poland you we have our own farms and its about time this goverment got us out of the EU and started building our own country back up by means of our industry's farms our health system we seriously need change in this country because at the end of the day we are slowly losing our traditions and values we once had a thriving farming community where's it all gone i ask
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Islamic extremists
The reason i am writing this is because in the star today there was a article sharia law hits the UK now these Muslims are going around put leaflets on telegraph poles lamp post stating that we the British are entering a sharia controlled zone now im not saying its all Muslim but the Muslims that are involved should be arrested for inciting racial tensions now who the hell are these people to dictate to us what we can and cant do in our country now what are the goverment going to do about this because if this was the likes of the bnp-edl-efp we would be arrested for inciting racial tension but nothing seems to get done about these people now i can tell you at first hand who will be backing these people the likes of nut hope not hate uaf unison lab/lib/cons you no people fought and died for our once great nation and this isn't what they died for they died so we could have freedom but this isn't having freedom this is dictatorship its time people stood up against these people and send a clear message we do not want your laws in this country if you want to live here you dont suppress us with your laws you abide by our laws and rules
This is the actual leaflet
This is the actual leaflet
Saturday, 9 July 2011
Sponsored walk for our heros
Absolutely brilliant idea a sponsored walk for all our local heroes its good to see local people willing to show our troops that we will support them by doing sponsor events like this and to show them the respect they greatly deserve so please go along and show the people that are doing the walk your appreciation many thanks
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
More unemployment
more unemployment in this country when will this stop this time its at the derby plant where 1,400 jobs will go where they make trains and for nearly two centuries this plant as being running and we have this goverment saying that the economy is on the mend (WHERE) the likes of t j Hughes Thornton's carpet right comet mother-care you tell me how much longer will people put up with this unemployment on the rise and still Cameron sends more foreign aid out of this country instead of seeing the real picture the EU dictators destroying a once great country creating a country that can not defend or look after the people that live in it so why are we as British people standing back and letting this con/lib/lab goverment and its EU masters tell us that we should be sending aid out to other country when we have people that need jobs and security in this country
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