Friday, 30 December 2011

anti social behaviour is happening in smallthorne

                                       train the unemployed give them a sia licence (security )

at some point last night some youths set fire to a blue recyclable bin that contained aerosol cans  police were informed and the fire crew called the bin was in a garden facing the cemetery which we no the local labour council have cut funding so the gate to cemetarys are left open at night because of funding but my solution to that is get a person who is unemployed give them extra on top of there benefits and give them there sia licence ( security) and let them closed all the gate to these places of rest

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

labour showing there true colours

there was a article in tonight's sentinel about the labour party in Newcastle under Lyme now how many times have we said this in the stoke on Trent region and still labour get votes now even though i don't agree with conservatives in the interest of my residents then i would openly talk to any other party just in the interests of my constituency hopefully this will show what we have being saying is right and truthful and the labour party are just in there for 1 there-self s  and 2 the money they are not bothered in what our people  need or want its there selfs that they care about no one else lies lies and more undemocratic lies

its milaband Blair and browns traitorous party thats got us into all this debt £163 billion and still people vote for these leeches

Saturday, 24 December 2011

to all my followers

just wanted to wish all my followers and residents  a very merry Christmas and a happy new year

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Help our pensioners this winter (because the government won’t)

Help our pensioners this winter (because the government won’t)

this is what gets me we have pensioners who will suffer this winter and then we have asylum seekers who will be getting from our tax payers £ 90 electricity and £ 120 gas where is all the fairness in that these pensioners fought for our freedom what have the asylum seekers done for this country NOTHING apart from
1 come here to get benefits housing a education that our people struddle to get
2 they vote for the corrupted partys labour conservatives and ukip
now i don't blame these people for coming here i blame these corrupted traitorus party's for this

Saturday, 10 December 2011

smallthorne alcoholics and druggies doing damages

I would like to pull your attention to a incident that's happened in the local laundry in smallthorne I find this deeply disgusting because the laundry is there for people to use that have not got means of a washer or a dryer but these druggies or alcoholics find it acceptable to go and do damages to people property that the owners are trying make a living through the incident is the damage of the drinks machine now people have got to do with out means of a  hot drink now because of these people and it if the government dont give these people enough money to live of or to feed there habits they can go around doing this
1 alcoholics get in the region of £20 per day plus disability plus if they got kids child tax credits plus child benefit
2 druggies  same as above
now the kids deserve there money but why should a tax payer have to pay tax for these people to feed there habits
now i have taken photos of the damaged drinks machine which was broken into and all the contents remove i.e money even the drinks were taken its outrageous the level these individuals will stoop too all to get money to buy there drink or drugs

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

yet again we see the EU dictating what we have got to do

i find this truly discusting how can we allow the EU to tell us that we have to give these foreign nationals money unless we get fined now come on Mr cameron start standing up for the people of this country instead of bowing down to a bunch of communist leeches next general election we are going to have another bunch of no marks running this country the ones that created all this mess in the first place why do people still vote for labour and conservatives  they do-not repersent us all these two party's are in it for is to bleed us dry and fill there own pockets

Yet again we see criminals getting away with a crimes

not so long a go a group of 8 swans were killed down the nature reserve down ford green road smallthorne the people were   arrested and it as being taken to court but all charges have being dropped why what the papers reporting is one of the witnesses as refused to give evidence and with him being a juvenile cannot be forced  something smells fishy here doesn't seem right as the witness being threatened i wonder and the local resident association chair man Mr paul reed as given a statement and its questionable because hes said it would of being good  if someone had of being procectuted but they probably got a fine anyway whys that Mr reed because the sitting council is labour and he doesn't repersent the people of smallthorne its time we had change around smallthorne because to many people are getting away with crimes just like you are bringing druggies and alcoholics  onto the estate and making the estate look like a shit hole

Monday, 5 December 2011

i would like to pull your attention to this

i was reading  through the neo Nazi mirror today at work on my lunch break  and found this now i find this a absolute joke considering our pensioners thought for our freedom the liberal liers are announcing that they are going to take bus passes and weather payment from our pensioners it doesn't matter that they are wealthy these people have worked for what they have now and they should be left alone what we should be stopping is what the government is giving theses asylum seekers now i find this a joke i work for what i get does the government give me this no so why should someone who is seeking to stop in this country be given this  i don't blame these asylum seeker i blame this con/lib/lab government for being so generous

now this is a letter  from the asylum sent to a asylum seeker

now you tell me that its right for our elderly to lose out

Sunday, 4 December 2011

a labour party wife beater update

just recently ive posted a article of one of the labour party councillors beating up is wife he as being convicted and sentenced to six months in prison now hes keeping is council seat which i find disgusting now if this had of being a bnp Councillor they would of being front page on every news paper and all over the hate no hopers page and the loony united against freedom but no these organisation have being very quiet haven't your Mr lowles or is it because its your beloved labour wife beating party i wonder

council worker on £100k per year and the unions strike what a disgrace

another story what ive found a council worker on a £ 100 k per pension i find this disgraceful as many of us taxpayers don't every get that in a life time yet we have seen all the communist unions striking recently what a joke this plus the ex council work is retired  this makes me angry really does heres the article

what a disgrace the EU dictator disrespecting our war dead

just a quick story that ive picked up on in the local paper today bomber command have being trying to get funding for a tribute  for a monument for the airmen that gave they lives for our country i find this as a insult as these men fought a war for our freedom this is just 1 example for us to leave the EU but what will our government do nothing as usual

absolutely disgraceful

now what can i say the video that im going put up really its should make your blood boil as its shows a young black bloke threatening to smash a young white lady's head against a window as you may of seen now there is a video going on the internet on you tube the tram lady where she is ranting on about what's happening over in this country but the pc brigade as cuts some of it off but it only shows her ranting but what it doesn't show is what triggered her off now what im thinking is that one of these blacks as said something done something to start her of i totally agree labour as totally massed us with these people and to call themselves British is wrong even though i don't blame these foreign people for being here i blame the labour/conservatives for allowing it its there anti white agenda they intended to do this to our people they have lied  and corrupted our people into thinking that they stand for us lies on top of more lies labour under Blair/brown now under milaband and even under this corrupt government on the video he mentions he was born here and his mother was born here well my answer to that is he should have more dam respect this country's allowed him to be here if he thinks its acceptable he should go back to his country of origin or in fact he should be deported but no will the police do anything about this video or even the government NO but if it was us oh just like the lady in the tram video straight away arrested and place in a prison why for telling the truth i have placed the video below of the black bloke making the threats and please watch and let me no your thoughts on the matter

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

how dare they

Ive just picked up on a article and to tell you the truth it disgusted me how our so called government can pick on the vulnerable it amazes me when this con/lab government have allowed millions of foreigners into the country some have never done a single days work in there life  ( anjem choudary is one that I can mention) this conservative /labour government has come out with the disabled are scroungers how dare they lets look at what mps are paid what do they do for this money do actually do anything ( NO) so who are the real scroungers here Cameron -milaband

Govt labelling disabled 'scroungers'

Govt labelling disabled 'scroungers'
The Government is reponsible for stories "knocking disabled people", Labour's Shadow Welfare Minister has claimed.

Writing for PoliticsHome, Anne McGuire said: "The feeding to the media of press releases and distortion of figures, and the calling into question whether people really are disabled is causing real harm."

She also accused ministers and their advisers of "creating an atmosphere that is causing fear and uncertainty in the lives of disabled people up and down the country".

Thursday, 17 November 2011

yet another article from our labour held stoke on Trent

how can the labour held council of stoke on Trent even try this trick do they not realise that them and the conservatives are destroying our once great country with there self destructing polices or are they just blatantly thick now i found this quite interesting because as we all no labour have just released a mandate that is doomed to fail ( helping the unemployed back to work scheme i.e jet )Mr perves a word of wiseness there are not any jobs how many more people are you going  to destroy before you learn our country is in a mess but its OK for you perves you live a nice computable life with your property's and your salary which us tax payer pay you and your ethnic labour party are destroying this city and you no it don't you i hope one day the sheeple wake up and out vote you lot i really do you are sinking to a new low now sending bailiffs on our vulnerable people you and your party are really low really low

Clue less Cameron

Just something that as attracted my attention a article in today's mirror and my god did i find it funny how the hell can labour or even one of there reporters talk now lets look into what labour have done for this country
1 163 billion debt along with there banker friends
2 2 illegal wars 
3 open doors for floods of immigrants and terrorist to enter our country
4 created a population of benefit dependants ( alcoholics and druggies)
now this party used to represent our people see how i used used to because this party does not represent our people any-more its in politics for it self and yet people still keep voting for this which still now i cant understand do these people like being walked all over or is it pure hypocrisy heres the article for your viewing

Saturday, 12 November 2011

druggies at work in smallthorne

in regards to my leaflet I have being contacted by a local resident over a drug issue about one of the local druggies leaving is/her used needle down  a alleyway in smallthorne between kirk street and Livingstone street i find this disgusting how a person can be so neglect in leaving this exposed to local children and adults does this person not realised if a kid was to pick this up this could do serious harm to them and what's the local labour council doing about this issue the same as normal ( NOTHING) he was elected in to represent and to deal with these issues and as far is doing nothing its about time we had proper representation not someone who will sit back on issues like this but saying that that's what the labour party's all about now 

Sunday, 6 November 2011

to all hate no hopers and the labour funded unwashed

this is a article that really chuffed me me because i thought bnp members and activist were surposed to be the nasty ones but when the tables turn and the light does finally show at the end of the tunnel its actually the labour party that show there true colours

1 labour 25 - paedophiles
2 are wife beaters
3 war mongers

now heres the article  this is what you vote for every election

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

question is what are they hiding labour

the 1 main question that should be asked is what are they hiding

Councillors turn down request for more details into council deal with Mo Chaudry

Trusted article source icon
Friday, October 21, 2011
Profile image for The Sentinel
RULING Labour councillors last night voted overwhelmingly to refuse a motion demanding clarity on Stoke-on-Trent City Council's deal with Mo Chaudry.
Independent councillors Lee Wanger and Dave Conway called on the council to declare full details of whether it made a private deal to close the Dimensions splash pool and pay the Waterworld owner £100,000-per-year to offer discounts at the Festival Park attraction.
Mr Chaudry claimed the deal was made before the council reversed its decision to close the pool in 2008 and threatened to sue the council.
He has been paid £21,850 to drop his legal threat, while the council has spent £22,500 on legal fees.
Lee Wanger told the chamber: "This whole situation has been brought about by a complete lack of transparency that goes back years.
"The council has apologised to the owner of Waterworld, admitting there may have been some confusion. Can I ask what that apology is for?
"Was any agreement reached, were contracts drawn up, was anything signed?
"If not, then what have we paid compensation for?
"And the real question is, if closing the splash pool was to save £60,000, how could giving £100,000-per-year to a rival business make a saving?
"It is nonsense. It doesn't add up and never has."
Council leader Mohammed Pervez instructed the Labour group, which holds 33 of 44 seats, to vote against the motion after advice from the council's monitoring officer Paul Hackney.
In total, 33 of the 43 councillors at the meeting voted against the motion being discussed while nine voted in favour and one member abstained.
Mr Pervez said: "While the lack of information on this subject is frustrating, the legal advice is clear."
Labour's Mark Meredith, the council's elected mayor at the time of the alleged secret deal, declared a personal interest before the discussion began.
Mr Hackney said: "Parties enter into the mediation with the expectation that confidentiality will be respected before, during and after mediation.
"Two agreed statements have been issued by the parties, Mo Chaudry and Waterworld Holdings and the city council, giving details of the settlement agreed following mediation.
"Under the terms of the agreement, any remaining information is confidential.
"Any further release of information on this subject that is not agreed by both parties could give rise to a serious risk of breaching the settlement agreement."

what a absolute disgrace

labour the party that represents its people ( what a joke ) now the criteria for a bus pass are as follows
1 if you suffer from any disability
2 if you struddle to speak orally in any language
3 if you are blind or partially
4 if you are deaf
5 if you have a learning disability
6 if the DLA have condemn you from driving any vehicle

 this does not include if you are alcoholic a druggie or a foreign national OK then if this is true why then have we got every druggies -alcoholics or even foreign nationals with free bus passes and a another question that should be brought up is what if you are asthmatic asthmas a illness that could kill ya going back to the issue which im on about one of my local residents as being refused her bus pass by this curupt council run by labour yet again our people are suffering through there negligence of this council labour need to get there priority's right instead of looking after there voters

more jobs set to go under labour in stoke on Trent

just a brief article on the jobs in stoke on Trent and yet again we see the labours council promises dooming to fail what a joke they are the labour council what a joke a do not represent the people of Britain and its time we told them so by out electing them in the elections

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Drugs raid in smallthorne

news to my hears there has being a drugs raid in Smallthorne going back to my leaflet this is absolutely brilliant we need more of this happening plus what we need to do now is to stop the anti social behaviour happening  i have added the article from the drugs raid which happened in lord street now back to business i have being informed that in the early hours of the morning between 2-3 am  there is a bunch of youths walking around my estate plus ive being told that some of these youths are smoking drugs by the cemetery and using abusive language a local resident as approached these youths and was verbal abused and was threatened as well what is the local labour councillor doing about these incidents nothing we have started a local action group if any one from the area would like to get involved please contact me OK

Friday, 30 September 2011

another successful leafleting campaign underway

Today stoke bnp started the smallthorne campaign to out line the antisocial behaviour on smallthorne i bared the flue to leaflet to show my residents that no matter what i am there to support them and to  if they need to sort any issues out that the smallthorne action group will assist them were as the residents associations along with the sitting labour councillor dont want to no so if you want to join onto the action group please ring 07926532922 or

Thursday, 29 September 2011

labour and the officers not representing the people of stoke on Trent

ive just picked up on a article on another nationalist blog site about the cemetery gets being left open at night now i find this disgusting and disrespectful to the relatives of the deceased and to say that the labour council represent us that something that's left to be desired not just the labour held council but the officers down at the civic these officer are on a lot of money and the council say they cant afford to pay a firm to close these gates pull the other Mr perves this article is also on bentilee patriot please take a look

Thieves steal from boy's grave

Trusted article source icon
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Profile image for The Sentinel
MOTHER-OF-TWO Lydia Price is demanding a council stops a trial policy to leave cemetery gates unlocked overnight after thieves stole ornaments from her dead son's grave.
Mrs Price said she was shocked to discover beads and decorations at her son Vito's grave in Tunstall cemetery had been stolen in an overnight theft.
Stoke-on-Trent City Council is leaving gates open overnight at eight of its nine cemeteries until Saturday as a trial. They are usually closed shortly before sunset throughout the year to keep out thieves and vandals.
But the council said the cost of securing them, which is handled by a private company, has increased and is now costing too much.
Mrs Price's son Vito died of natural causes at the age of five on Christmas Eve in 2007.
His grave was targeted overnight between Thursday night and Friday morning.
The 34-year-old, who is also mother to Jason, aged 14, and Alisha, aged 12, said: "It is really upsetting, not just for me, but for my other children as well.
"I go to the grave every day, sometimes in the morning and at night. They have taken holy beads and also ornaments.
"It was fine when it was left on Thursday but by Friday the items had gone. Things are only going to get worse now that people know the cemeteries are being left open all the time."
Mrs Price, of Tunstall, added that it is not the first time graves have been targeted and that security must be improved.
Campaigner Peter Chadwick. chairman of Stoke-on-Trent Graves Action Group, said: "We are getting more complaints now the gates are unlocked.
"Clearly the trial is not working out. The cemeteries need to be locked at night. Some people just take pleasure in smashing things up."
Residents in Burslem have also raised concerns about cars cutting through the cemetery as a short cut because of gates being left open.
Only Carmountside cemetery is being locked overnight as several council environmental staff are based there.
Tony Oakman, director of adult and neighbourhood services at the council, said: "We understand that it is extremely distressing for the family to have items stolen from the grave of a loved one.
"So far we have not had any complaints of anti-social behaviour in our cemeteries since we introduced the trial scheme. We do need to know if people have experienced any problems so if any items have been stolen we would recommend they contact both us and police."

Yet more antisocial behaviour around smallthorne

At about 830am yesterday morning i was sitting having a drink of coffee in my living room and to my amazement 3 school lads aged about 12-13 yrs old 1 of the young lads went up my neighbours  path and stole a loaf of bread and a bottle of milk its not the first time this as happened a couple of other neighbours   have  had the same stolen but hanging baskets have being stolen as well dog ornaments but what is the sitting labour councillor doing about this ( NOTHING ) in the near future i will be starting action group up so anyone from the smallthorne ford green area wishing to join please feel free to contact me on my email address or even come up to me in the street and let me no

Friday, 23 September 2011

Anti social behaviour hitting smallthorne

Its being brought to my attention that young youths are drinking in the cemetery and by near by shops  on ford green road in the early hours of the morning some of the elderly residents are scared and will not confront these youth through fear of retaliation which in no manner should  its the councillor or the residents association or the police that should be dealing with this   what is the sitting labour councillor or the residents association doing about this ( NOTHING ) the sitting labour councillor does not live on the estate for a start so he wont see what we see like he would be bothered he comes under the party liebour so that should say a lot  with in the next week or so ill will be producing a leaflet for a action group highlighting all the issues with in this estate smallthorne and ford green road anyone wishing to join please contact me on my email address

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

bnp demo in Shrewsbury town centre against the Muslim sex grooming scandal

this is the leaflet that we were giving people today outlining the sex grooming scandal with the 9 Muslim men all in all a very good day and a good response

Shrewsbury sex grooming demo

the above picture is the council uaf worker 
Just like to thank all that turned out for the demo with the British national party down in Shrewsbury today and i would like to thank the gentleman and the nice old lady who came up and spoke to me its nice to know there are still people out there that do support us and what we stand for the news is all 9 of the Muslim sex grooming paedophiles will be retrialed  and and it shows us that all the hard work we can make a difference we did have some hostile university students which nick dealt with by speaking to them and showing that he is the only politician that will come out onto our\ streets and face the public unlike Cameron clegg milaband   who are too busy dragging our once great country into more debt and sending more foreign aid over to other country's we are showing as a political party that we do care about our young old disabled people that they have got a alternative party that stands for the interest of the people and the country on the bad side we did have a uaf supporter who Shrewsbury  council pay a good amount of money to work in there crime disorder unit who sympathises with these Muslim paedophiles who actually asked me if i wanted him to pose for a picture heres is is picture other than that it was a brilliant day and thankyou to all that attended

                                                    some of the stoke bnp team with nick griffin
                                          1 of the hostile university students with her bill board

Monday, 19 September 2011

Uaf /hope not hate what a bunch of state funded clowns

the uaf- hope not hate clowns are the ones that Cameron and milaband fund with taxpayers money now i have found a video with the leader of the uaf Weymouth bennett telling so many communist lies the foam is pouring from is mouth now what he doesn't inform people is that Blair and brown were photoed shaking hands with gaddafi now every election passed and present you get the likes of uaf hope not hater spreading there vile about nick griffin suppose to of asked gaddafi for some money but they fail to show these pictures of the ex labour party leaders and prime ministers labour uaf hope not hate ( search light are connected )  and as for Cameron Libya welcomed him with open arms i wonder why that is

Sunday, 18 September 2011

People of smallthorne and surrounding area please be aware there are a bunch of young lads going around trying to steal dogs especially staffys

Earlier today two unknown lads tried to walk off with my Staffordshire bull terrier  outside a shop in smallthorne the lads where in there  early twenty 1 was a white British lad short in  height and with shaved hair the other one was a half cassed lad tall with dreadlocks in his hair anyone with information could they please contact me on my email or on 07876219679 as this incident can not go on this is the area in which this incident took place and i would like to stop this incident re-happening thankyou

a really good barbaque with stoke bnp

stoke bnp had a barbaque with about 25-30 stoke bnp members turned up it was a really good day good surrounding and everyone enjoyed the day good to see like minded people enjoying laughing playing games heres some photos from today events

Saturday, 17 September 2011

remploy facing jobs cuts

it deeply saddens me that the disabled are getting hit by this uncaring untruthful goverment that's seems to think it can hit the poor the disabled and the elderly when really it should be hitting the rich and completely stopping immigration foreign aid in times when we are faced with mass unemployment they seem to think that its OK to take the disabled jobs away from them i was down at the remploy factory about 3 weeks ago and these people depend on there jobs it not only give them the freedom but its giving them independence and there are getting paid a wage as well   i was speaking to two employees down and they forewarned me this was going to happen and the conservative plus labour are saying that's they need to make these cuts but hitting the vulnerable now that's just beyond a joke but its OK for these party s and its mps they live a life of luxury at our expense

labour finally admitting

heres a article from the sentinel in stoke on Trent about liebour  now Ed milaband as admitted that is party through negligence and lies have spent to much money they have not served or will serve the people of this country  that's why we are now being ruled a by a labour run council here in stoke on Trent that is in denial and that why things will not improve they will only get worse heres the article for your viewing